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Saturday, August 12, 2006

A happy kind of exhaustion

I'm really not ignoring all of you, I promise. :)

I don't have internet in my apartment, I wake up at 5:45, I drive to school, I teach, I sign out at 3:30, I drive home, I eat, I drive to play practice (1 hr 15 minutes away), I plan lessons, I crash on my air mattress in my non-furnished apartment at midnight, and then I start the whole thing over again. Tonight I'm helping with an event at school.

It's crazy, it's busy, it's scary, it's new, but it's awesome. I'm loving it so much.

Oh, and thanks for all the birthday wishes from everybody.

Except for John, who was two days late with his and has incurred my eternal and undying wrath, and all the rest of you who forgot. :-p


Blogger Reepicheep said...

Would it be forgetting if I didn't know? I don't want Donna-wrath. I will tell the kids in your play not to pull on the curtains. Will that make it better?

Wow, the real world. *looks in awe* Oooohhh, aaaahhhhh. (Imagine those little squeaky aliens from Toy Story saying this last bit.)

Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:39:00 PM


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